What Number is 5 of 16?

So you are asking "What is 5 of 16?" It is safe to assume you are looking to find 5 percent of the number 16. To answer this question, we will go through each step of the calculation.

But first here is the ANSWER: 0.8

Now here are quick steps on how to find 5% of 16:

  • Understand the percentage (5%)
  • Convert the percentage to a decimal (0.05)
  • Multiply the decimal by the number (0.05 × 16)
  • Perform the multiplication (0.05 × 16 = 0.8)
  • Interpret the result (5% of 16 is 0.8)

By following these steps, you can find any percentage of a given number. If you need more details on this calculation read on.

How to Calculate 5 % of 16: Detailed Step by Step Guide

Step 1: Understand the percentage

A percentage is a way of representing a number as a fraction of 100. In the question "What is 5 of 16?", we need to find 5% of 16.

Step 2: Convert the percent (%) to a decimal number

To perform the calculation, we need to convert the percentage into a decimal by dividing the percentage by 100:

5% ÷ 100 = 0.05

Now, we have the decimal form of the percentage, which is 0.05.

Step 3: Multiply the decimal by the number

To find 5% of 16, multiply the decimal (0.05) by the number (16):

0.05 x 16

Step 4: Perform the multiplication

Multiply (0.05) by (16):

0.05 x 16 = 0.8

Step 5: Interpret the result

Now that we have calculated 0.8, we can interpret the result. In this case, 5% of 16 is equal to 0.8. This means that if you were to divide 16 into 100 equal parts, 5 of those parts would add up to 0.8.

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  • "What Number is 5 of 16?". VisualFractions.com. Accessed on June 9, 2024. http://visualfractions.com/what-is-5-of-16/.

  • "What Number is 5 of 16?". VisualFractions.com, http://visualfractions.com/what-is-5-of-16/. Accessed 9 June, 2024.

  • What Number is 5 of 16?. VisualFractions.com. Retrieved from http://visualfractions.com/what-is-5-of-16/.